You can take the basic settings under Quicksettings. To use all options of nanoDVR, please choose Further Settings. Please note, that both dialogs influence each other.
In "Profile" you can choose some useable settings (i.e. Video CD). The bitrate settings etc. will be made automatically. Use the option "Custom" to set all options by your own.
Under "Speed" you find some CPU infos. You can use this for a good setting. By this, there will be made some settings you can find under "Further Options".
The bitrate influence the size of the outputfile and the quality of the picture of your creating file. How larger your pictureformat and/or framerate is, you have to higher the bitrate or the quality will be worse.
The selection of the codec MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 says that you also have to use a player, supporting your codec. The Windows Media Player (version 6 or higher) is only able to play MPEG-1 files. For MPEG-2 use player from ligos ( or similar. More informations about MPEG-Codecs you will find under
The "framerate" tells you, how many pictures will be coded each second. Use if possible "25".
"Capture Time" sets the recording time. You can enter seconds or the format: <hours>:<minutes>:<seconds> (i.e. 1:30:00).
"Encode Audio Offline" means, if the audio datas will be coded after the recording (better performance because more resources during recording) or during recording (saves diskspace, because no extra WAV-File will be created).